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Some Of My Clients

Cute Border Collie Mix staring up at his mom

Sirius...not being serious!

Tiny Toy Fox Terrier in furry sack bed

Felix AKA "Peeps" sat him so much I just adopted him. He lived to over 20 years!

Little mix breed napping on couch

Lola...If I could have dognapped her I would have. She stole my heart!

Shaggy Bedlinton Terrier nephew and favorite dude.

White Parsons Russel Terrier riding in car

Spencer my nephew and little buddy...RIP doodle head.

Toy Pomeranian cuddled in bed

Mimi...I've never seen a dog look so much like a stuffed animal!

Sweet white Pitbull mix staring into camera

Desiree...OK, I admit, she's mine but I had to include her cuz she's mega sweet!

Border Collie mix with her Mom

Lucy...being silly with her Mom!

Attentive Cattle Dog mix

Blaze...he's my number one guy in more ways than one!

Fat cat in donut bed

Jasper...unbelievably lovable, and lots to love!

Border Collie mix laying in snow hiking buddy!

Schnauzer looking inquisitive nephew and best friend to Hammy!

Standard Poodle staring into camera

Sheldon...he likes popcorn!

© Copyright 2021  In Your Place LLC


      Serving the Traverse City, Michigan area, In Your Place provides professional in-home pet care and dog walking. 

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